Monday, March 31, 2014

Minink Hills (then North Water Gap) whistle stop!

These photos are of the remnants of where a train came through Minisink Hills. This line was called the New York, Susquehanna and Western Railroad. The large pillars (I was told) are part of a structure where the trains picked up coal. These pillars are just off of Binnekill Lane. The train tracks originally ran from New Jersey, over the Delaware River into Pennsylvania and connected to another set of tracks that are still used today. The massive abutments that once held the train tracks up rise very high out of the Delaware River in a ghostly fashion. I was able to walk along where the tracks would have been. I even found some coal. Coal doesn't naturally grow out of the ground around here. I have no idea what the large stone marker / monument with "JC 98" engraved on it means. The RockTenn paper mill (over 100 years old) is right across the Broadhead Creek from where the tracks ran. I don't think the tracks were ever used in connection to the mill since they would've been too far away.That overpass is Interstate 80. When I turned the bend and saw it, I froze because I thought I saw a person standing in the woods wearing red. My heart started racing and I immediately turned around. I heard that there is a homeless community that lived in the woods near some railroad tracks near where I was approaching. I guess I've watched too many episodes of Criminal Minds because I feared that some homeless people would be patroling the area to protect their place and they might do bad things to me or even kill me. I went slowly back to the bend and saw that I thought was a person dressed in red was just a large piece of red cloth or plastic stuck in some small trees. I wanted to go further but I don't think it would be a good idea to go alone.


  1. Cool Blog and pics. Keep it up! JC 98 means 'Jersey City 98 Miles away'

  2. That's really cool. Thank you! It seemed to me that the train ran here after coming from New Jersey and 98 miles is such a long way that it seems weird to have to alert a conductor about a city 98 miles away. I guess the train went in both directions and in this section the train must have to be going extremely slow. It's interesting though!
